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HOW TRADE SHOWS WORK - by Lee Ann Obringer

About the Author:
Lee Ann Obringer is a Staff Writer for She holds a Bachelor's degree in journalism/advertising with an outside concentration in marketing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to joining the HowStuffWorks team, Lee Ann worked for 13 years in corporate marketing, advertising and communications. In addition to writing for HowStuffWorks, she works as a freelance marketing communications consultant and designer.

 1. Introduction to How Trade Shows Work
 2. Why Do Trade Shows?
 3. Selecting the Right Shows
 4. Vertical vs. Horizontal Markets
 5. Narrowing the List
 6. Designing and Caring for Your Booth
 7. Graphics - Less is More
 8. Making It Happen
 9. Other Things to Keep in Mind
10. Managing the Show Schedule & Materials
11. The Big Book
12. Training Your Booth Staffers
13. Basic Training
14. Organizing Your Staff
15. Lead Tracking
16. Filling the Fulfillment Package
17. Following Up After Follow-Up
18. The Lead Sheet
19. Lots More Information
20. See all Business articles

Managing the Show Schedule & Materials
The most tedious part of any job is usually the paperwork, so if you're involved in managing the company's trade shows -- be prepared! There are forms to be filled out for everything imaginable.

So, where do you start? First, you'll contact the show management for the shows you've planned to attend, and ask for an exhibitor application. You should do this as soon as you know you are attending the show because many show managers require paperwork to be turned in and deposits to be paid months in advance. Plus, some shows base your booth location on a first-come, first-served basis. (Others use a point system based on the number of years you've attended the show. You put down your choices, but if someone with more seniority wants the same spot, then you're out of luck and get the next closest thing.)

The Exhibitor Application Form
Fill out the forms completely and carefully. It is usually with the application forms that you have the opportunity to choose the all-important booth location (if not, it will be in the exhibitor package, which we'll talk about next). Usually, you'll list at least three locations in order of preference, and list any competitors you don't want to be near. When choosing the location, think about the traffic flow into the exhibit hall. Select areas toward the front, near food stands, near restrooms, break areas, etc. -- any area that will naturally have more traffic. Also, try to get a corner location. A corner gives you twice the visibility and usually costs more, but is worth it. You also have a better opportunity for traffic flow through your booth.

At this point, you also need to know how big of a space you need. If it's a large show and you expect a lot of traffic, then you probably want the most space you can afford. Fortunately, there is a formula the help determine the necessary space, as well as the number of booth staffers to send. It goes like this:

    Studies by CEIR have shown that, on average, 16% to 20% of the show attendees will have a special interest in your products/services. Therefore, multiply the number of show attendees by .16 to get your "high interest attendees." Take this number and multiply it by .53 for vertical shows or .37 for horizontal shows, and you get your "potential audience." Divide the potential audience by the total number of show hours and you'll get the number "visitors per hour." Divide the visitors per hour by the number of presentations your booth staffers can do in an hour, and you'll get the number of staff you need. Multiply the number of staff you need by 50 (square feet) and you get the amount of open space you need. Add the space your display and the space your products will take up to this number and you'll get the total space required. Presto!
    [Source: Skyline Displays]

Or, you can assume that since you only have a 10-foot booth, then your booth space only needs to be 10 to 20 feet, and you only need two to four people. But the formula is there if you need it.

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